1/2014 – Important dates, Working Bee, Grading & Team Information

Nearly 550 players registered this year !!! Only limited positions left.

Important dates to remember

  • Working Bee 9th of February (THATS THIS SUNDAY FROM 7AM-1PM) – we really need you to help us clean up and get ready for the season –  We need people to bring along whipper snippers, mower, weeding tools, gloves and covered footwear.  Be prepared to help us prepare for the coming season, we have weeding, minor mowing, whipper snipping, painting, concrete cleaning and a large number of soccer balls to be sorted and blown up to start the season.  If you are coming please send an email to president@sunnybanksaints.org.au and advise what you can bring along.   IF WE DONT GET ENOUGH NUMBERS, THEN GRADING AND TEAM FORMATION WILL NOT START NEXT WEEK !!  This is a volunteer club and we need your help.  Last year we had a great turn up and it only took about 3 hours to have it all ready to go.


  • Team formation and grading week STARTS 10 February (2 week period) this is under 9 teams to Senior Mens – please check the Club Calendar if you want to know the dates and times – an email be sent to each player individually to remind you of the age group day you need to attend.  If you dont get the email, we dont have your email address correct when you registered.  For some of you this involves grading (U11 and above).  We will be taking photos and have available the QCSA Player registration form which you will need to sign.  If you dont turn up, you will delay YOUR OWN START to the SEASON – we will NOT CHASE YOU !!!  Sufficient time has been made available for you to have this completed.  Any child/adult who will be absent needs to send an email to the register@sunnybanksaints.org.au.  We are aware of some schools that have camps in that first week.  Let us know early and you may be able to attend another session.


  • U5-U8 – Team formation day is Saturday 15th February (next Saturday)  Please check the calendar for the start times for your age group.


  • Coaches and Managers – we still need some for any of the teams, please email president@sunnybanksaints.org.au if you havent done so already.


  • U5 and U12 Players are still URGENTLY needed to fill the remaining teams.  If you have a player interested or know of another please contact the u5u8registrar@sunnybanksaints.org.au


  • Ladies players for a Mothers Squad (Mummies) are still sought after for this year.  If you are a ladies player and interested, please contact the seniorregistrar@sunnybanksaints.org.au.  This team is FOR FUN ONLY and we are encouraging you to get together with friends to get fit and healthy.  There is NO AGE LIMIT HERE so why not get a group together and play !!!!

Positions vacant

  • Line Marking Coordinator – Calamvale ONLY – this is to help coordinate the setup and pull down of the Calamvale Fields only.  We just need you to be there to open up and provide the advice, we will show you what to do.(1 hour per week)
  • U5-U8 Results Officer – involves the coordination and sending of results after the teams have played on a Saturday morning -takes about 1 hour or less for these age groups.
  • Junior Referees Coordinator – we are looking for a suitably qualified referee or someone with experience to coordinate our junior referees.  Some minor training of our juniors is required.
  • Minutes Secretary – take minutes at our meetings – approx 6-8 through the season (1-2 hrs each meeting)
  • Awards Coordinator – assist with the distribution of awards (McDonalds and others) each month. (1 hour per month)


Please visit the club website, facebook and facebook group as updates will be posted using these.