Activity suspension extended until end of June, 2020


*** With current restrictions eased to only allow up to 20 persons in one area, and a soccer field is considered one ‘area’, training is still unable to begin as of now. However, we are expecting an announcement over this weekend that may change the situation and allow us to potentially begin training shortly. We will update you all as soon as we know more. ***

Following an updated directive from our governing body, the QCSA (Queensland Christian Soccer Association), all club training and competitions are currently suspended until the end of June, 2020.

This decision has been made In response to the growing COVID-19 situation, which is currently effecting the world at large, and will mean that at least until the end of June, all training and group club activities are suspended, unless advice from the government and health officials causes this to change.

The goal of the association is to still have a 2020 season, albeit much shorter than normal. The club committee will shortly convene to discuss planning for a reduced season, realistic options and costs, and any potential fee refunds or deductions. As soon as a decision has been made on the fee situation, all club members will be updated, so we would please ask that you continue to wait patiently until a decision can be made.

More information will follow as it is known, and as soon as this situation changes, we will keep you updated both here on our website and on our public and private facebook pages.

We urge you all to stay safe, limit your exposure as much as you possibly can, and take care of your families and loved ones.