Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Sunnybank Saints Soccer Club AGM will be held Thursday 22th October 2015 from 7.30pm at St Barnabas Hall, Lister Street (400 metres up from Lister Street fields).
It is by far the most important meeting in the Club’s annual cycle of events.
The completed nomination for 2016 is to be lodged with the Club Secretary at least fourteen (14) days before the Annual General Meeting.
Emailed/mailed Nominations for the 2016 Management Committee will be closed (8 October 2015). Nominations for positions will only be taken from the floor at the AGM if there are insufficient numbers of candidates for any positions.
Business to be transacted so far includes:
* Receipt of various reports on the 2015 season including the audited financial statements
* Election of Club Committee Members for the 2016 season
* Setting of registration fees for 2016 season
* Policy amendments
The AGM is the best time for club members to raise proposals for changes to the way the Club operates. If you have a particular idea that you would like to raise, it would help if you submitted your thoughts to our Club Secretary, Paul EGAN, prior to the meeting.
Come along. Have a say. Tell us what you are thinking. Put new ideas up for discussion.
We encourage you to get involved to help us develop our club.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Club President
Sunnybank Saints Soccer Club Inc.