Card Codes

These are the meaning of some of the common codes used by the QCSA for yellow and red cards.  A full list can be found on the QCSA website.

Y1 Unsporting Behaviour (including dangerous Play)
Y2 Dissent by Word or Action
Y3 Persistent Infringements
Y4 Delaying the Restart of Play
Y5 Failure to Respect Distance when Play Restarted
Y6 Entering or Re-entering the Field of Play without the Referee’s Permission
Y7 Deliberately Leaves the Field of Play without the Referees Permission
SO1 Serious Foul Play
SO2 Violent Conduct
SO3 Spitting at anyone
SO4 Deliberately handling the ball thereby denying a goal or a goal scoring opportunity to the opponent (except the goalkeeper in his own penalty area)
SO5 Deliberately commits a direct free kick offence, which denies a goal or a goal scoring opportunity to the opponent
SO6 Uses offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures
SO7 Receives a second caution in the same match