Gold Service Award – Version 1 – 23/10/2014

Version 1 23/10/2014


This policy outlines conditions applicable to the award of a club Gold Service Award. This award will add a third tier of recognition to our existing categories which are Life Membership and the Loyalty Program.

The club’s Constitution allows for the possible award of one Life Membership per year.
There are currently 6 life members. Historically, life membership is awarded for long and strong service in club administration and other club support roles.

The club’s Loyalty Awards are awarded to players and incumbents of team support roles (managers/coaches) at 5, 7 and 10 year milestones. There are no limits on the number of these awards each year.

The Gold Service Award will provide a new category of recognition to complement those existing.

All current club members will be eligible to be nominated for the club’s Gold Service Award.
With respect to nominations considered under Clause 3, Criteria (c) the nominee may not be a club member.

Current members and other persons who contribute the following types of service to the club will be eligible to receive the award:
(a) Participation as a player or in a team support role as coach or manager for 5 years or longer,
Participation in off-field role on the club’s committee or in another honorary support role for a minimum of 3 years
(b) Participation on the club’s committee or in another honorary support role for a minimum period of 5 years
(c) Members and other persons who do not meet either Criteria (a) or (b) but who have given important service to the club in other ways may be nominated by the club President for receipt of the award.

In the first year of operation of this award (2014-2015 season), in order to consider a backlog of worthy recipients, there will be no limit on the number of awards issued.

In subsequent years, up to a maximum of three awards will be issued each year as a consequence of general nominations and up to one further award as a consequence of the President’s nomination.

5.1 Timing of nominations
Nominations, including any nomination by the President, must be forwarded to the Club Secretary and be received by 30 September

5.2 Content of nomination
The nomination will provide evidence supporting the candidate’s
satisfaction of either part (a), part (b) or part (c) of Clause 3.0

5.3 Proposal of nomination
A nomination, other than a President’s nomination, may be proposed by any current member and must be supported by the signatures of 3 other current club members.
Any nomination proposed by the President must be supported by the signatures of 2 other current committee members.

5.4 Assessment of nominations
Each nomination, including any nomination proposed by the President, will be
considered by the club’s committee prior to the AGM and will require unanimous support of all members present at that committee meeting in order to be endorsed.

In the event of more than 3 meritorious nominations being received, not including the President’s nomination, the nominations will be graded and the 3 highest ranked nominations will be endorsed.

In the first year of operation of the award, there will be no limit. All meritorious nominations will be endorsed.

5.5 Conferring of awards
Awards will be presented at the club’s AGM in October

5.6 Form of the Award
The Award will be in the form of a framed certificate signed by the club’s President.
A badge will also be presented.
The names of all recipients of the award will be listed in a schedule on the club’s website.

5.7 Notification of outcome of nomination
Each recipient of the award will be notified prior to the AGM and invited to that meeting to receive the award.
Should a nomination not be endorsed, the nominator will be advised prior to the AGM.

5.8 No right of appeal
Decisions of the Committee will be final.