- This policy outlines the Club’s position on the grading of Junior teams from U11 to Junior Men inclusive.
- As the QCSA does not require or organise graded divisions in age groups up to and including U10, the Club has no need to grade in these age groups.
- The concept of Friendship Groups will be suspended and will not apply to these age groups while this policy is in force.
- The intention of the policy is to form teams of players with approximately equal skill levels and then to nominate each team to a division in their age group, in which they will be competitive because they are all of a similar skill level as their opponents.
- A further intention of the policy is to attempt to stop the exodus of good players from the Club to Federation Clubs, where grading does occur.
- It is mandatory that all players seeking placement in a Junior team attend the grading sessions for their age group, at the place and times published by the Club.
- Grading will apply across all age groups from U11 to Junior Men.
- Players will be graded and assigned to a team commensurate with their skill level.
- Returning and new players may be cut as a consequence of the grading process.
- This policy will apply to all age groups from U11 to Junior Men.
- The policy applies to all players in each age group.
4.1 Returning Players
- A returning player is a player who played at least one competition fixture match in the previous year and who registers and pays in full prior to the ICOR.
- Returning players will be graded together with new players.
- There is no guarantee that a returning player will be placed in a team if the grading process indicates that his/her skill level is not adequate for the division to which the Club’s team/teams will be nominated.
- However the grading outcome may be adjusted for a returning player where the player’s skill level is borderline for the proposed division, so as to include the player in a team.
- As a consequence of the grading process, returning players who are placed may not necessarily be placed in the same team/division as the previous year.
4.2 New Players
- A new player is a player who has not played with the Club before, or a player who has played with the Club previously but did not play at least one competition fixture match in the previous year, or a returning player who did not register and pay in full by the ICOR.
- Registration of all new players is undertaken on a provisional basis as there is no certainty that the Club will be able to place all new players in teams.
- New players will be graded together with returning players and assigned provisionally to a team commensurate with their skill level.
- If there are more players provisionally registered than required to form whole teams, surplus players may be have to be cut from the lowest proposed division on the basis of the grading outcome.
- This cut may include both returning and new players although some adjustment may be made for returning players as described above.
4.3 Playing up and playing down
Playing up
- A returning player who wants to play up a year to an older age group will be allowed to do this, provided there is space in the age group and the player has the necessary skill level to play in the age group. The player will be graded with the older age group to test skill level.
This same flexibility may be extended to new players under the same provisions.
Playing down
- Up to two players will be allowed to play down into the next age group provided there is space in the age group and the player has the necessary skill level to play in the age group. The player will be graded with the younger age group to test skill level.
- Scenarios may arise which have not been adequately addressed by this policy.
- Where this occurs, the issue will be referred through the Registrar to the Executive of the Club for a decision.
- Decisions by the Executive will be final.