Player Registration Policy – Version 5 – 27/10/13

Version 5                                                                                                      

Date:  27/10/2013



1.0     PREAMBLE

This policy outlines the Club’s position on the player registration process generally.

The intention is to provide rules to govern our registration process so that the Club is able to comply with QCSA team registration time lines.

In addition, this policy is intended to allow the Club Committee more certainty in regard to player numbers and consequently team numbers so that firm advice can be given to players seeking to register, with regard to available vacancies.

2.0         APPLICATION
This policy applies to all returning and new players seeking registration with the Club and will apply equally to players seeking registration in graded teams and in friendship-group based teams.


3.1         The Club has to nominate team numbers in each age group and indicative Divisions to QCSA in early February.

3.2          The Club registration days occur in late January and early February.

3.3          When forming U6-U10 teams, preferences will be given for returning players (previous season only) to return to the previous season team (friendship group) up until the initial close of registration (ICOR) and subject to clause 6.2 (player numbers).  Returning players (previous season) failing to register by ICOR may not necessarily be returned to their previous season team (friendship group) if numbers have been filled.

3.4         The initial close of registration (ICOR) of players by the Club will be at the close of registrations on the last registration day as published (club event calender, website and emails).

3.5         After the ICOR, players requesting late registration may be wait-listed for registration pending availability of vacancies in the age group.  The wait-listing priority will be based on date/time of receipt of registration application forms including full payment.

3.6         Once player capacity is reached for an age group in accordance with clause 6.2, no further registrations will be accepted for that age group.


4.1         Players will be given the opportunity to pre-register on-line for the coming season.


5.1         Players who take advantage of pre-registration on-line will be required to pay the published fee in full for registration prior to ICOR.  If the continuing player’s full payment is not paid by ICOR, the registration application will lapse and will not be further considered unless full payment is made of the then current published fee.

5.2         All registration applications that have lapsed and upon payment of the published fee by a returning player (previous season only) after the ICOR will be treated as new player registrations.  These new players may not necessarily be returned to their previous season team (friendship group) if numbers have been filled.

5.3         Registration applications by continuing players and new players lodged after ICOR will be require full payment of the published fee and will not be subject to any discount except the family discount policy if applicable.


6.1         The Club’s Committee, based on team numbers from the previous season may choose to set a cap on team numbers in age groups from U9 upwards, and then limit player registrations to suit the team numbers.

6.2         The maximum number of player registrations accepted per team, for all teams will be as follows:

  • U5-U8                        8 players
  • U9-U12                    14 players
  • U13-U15                  14 players
  • JC, Men, Women     20 players
  • Over 35 Men            20 players

6.3         Following ICOR, team numbers, if not previously capped, will be finalised and submitted to QCSA.  A team registration, for a team U9 and older, will not be submitted by the Club to QCSA unless a minimum of 10 players is registered for that team.

6.4        In cases where a minimum of 10 players are not registered and a team is not registered with QCSA, full refund of registration payments will be made.

6.5       The committee reserves the right to vary team numbers and composition where necessary to balance teams.


7.1       In each age group up to U14, the Club is allowed to register two players from the age group above.  This is called “playing down”.

7.2       Where parents seek to register their child to “play down” into the age group below, and more than two requests are received for that age group, the Committee will decide who is given approval to play down based firstly on any medical condition and secondly on preference to continuing players.


8.1       When a youth player (U5 to Junior Men) registers to play in a higher age group, they will be required to pay the registration fee for the higher age group.

8.2         When a youth player is placed in a higher age group by the Club, in order to balance team numbers, the registration fee payable will be based on the player’s age.

8.3        When a youth player agrees to play in a Men’s team, because they want to or because there are not enough players to form a team in their own age group, the registration fee for a Men’s player will be charged.