Pre Round First Instructions from QCSA – How to do lots from Matchcards to Forfeits
There is a huge amount of information contained in this email, so please take the time to read it, understand it, and pass it onto the relevant people within your club.
Adding Player’s to your Team
The cut off for adding players is 7pm Thursday night prior to the match weekend, to allow time for the QCSA Registrar to do this. That will also give clubs additional time to do all the other prerequisites that the player needs to play the match that weekend (photo, signature, etc).
Any questions, please contact the appropriate registrar within our club.
Team ID Sheet (the old RPL’s – Registered Players List)
All teams require a Team ID Sheet from Under 6 upwards. Under 6, 7 & 8’s do not need to have a photo on theirs, it is preferable but not compulsory. Under 9’s upwards HAVE to have a photo on their Team ID Sheet.
Printing out the Team ID Sheet for your team – MUST HAVE FOR THE 1ST GAME and every other game for the rest of the season (including the finals series).
Various emails have been sent with the information on how to do this, so please ensure that you are passing this information onto all your relevant officials that need to do this process.
If you have a player that has no photo against their name, that means that they don’t have one and CANNOT TAKE THE FIELD until a photo is taken and added to this Team ID Sheet. As of Thursday night 7pm each week, clubs or team officials will NOT be able to add a photo into the system. You must send the photo to Shirley (QCSA Registrar) so she can add it to the player (remember if it is a new player you also have to ask Shirley (QCSA Registrar) to add that person to your team). The feature of you adding photos will be enabled on a Sunday and disabled on Thursday 7pm of every week.
Any problems, please contact the appropriate person……REMEMBER, you must have this Team Id Sheet with you at all games
Player Signatures
All players from Under 11 upwards must have a signature against their name in the MCM system, or they will not be allowed to play.
Printing out the Player Signature form for your team to sign is available in the Team Managers login – SIGNATURES MUST BE IN THE MCM SYSTEM FOR THE 1ST GAME and every other game for the rest of the season (including the finals series).
Various emails have been sent with the information on how to do this, so please ensure that you are passing this information onto all your relevant officials that need to do this process.
If you have a player that has no signature against their name, that means that they don’t have one and CANNOT TAKE THE FIELD until one is uploaded into the MCM system. As of Thursday night 7pm each week, clubs or team officials will NOT be able to add signatures into the system. You must send the scanned Player Signature form to Shirley (QCSA Registrar) and advise which signature needs to added to which player (remember if it is a new player you also have to ask Shirley (QCSA Registrar) to add that person to your team). The feature of you adding signatures will be enabled on a Sunday and disabled on Thursday 7pm of every week.
Any problems, please contact the appropriate person……REMEMBER, you must have a signature against all players from and including Under 11 and above
Match Cards
You can now go into the Team Managers login and print a match card for Round 18.
Remember, both teams must produce a match card to the referee this year after the opposition manager has signed off on the match card.
Once again, all instructions for how to print the online match card have been previously sent to all clubs for passing onto your relevant team officials.
However, there has been an additional feature added when going to print a match card: if you know at the time you are going to borrow a player and you know who the player/s is/are, you can select them from a drop down list and they will appear on the match card with all the relevant details including the borrowed age group and team details. Please let me know if you have any issues with this part of the system as it hasn’t been tested for very long.
Please ensure that any struck out suspended players remain struck out on the match card.
The match card will print up to 20 lines on each match card but remember, only 15 players can be left uncrossed if more than 15 players are listed.
Confirm Players Identity
Clubs will need to turn this feature on in your setup to enable your team managers to ensure that all players have shown proof of their age (birth date/year). It is in the club admin, setup on the right hand side under “Team Options”, ‘ Disallow Team Managers to Confirm Player IDs’. You need to make sure this is green so Team Managers have access to edit the player information.
This is something that does need to be done for all players, because you as a club (and us as an Association) need to be certain that all players are playing in their correct age groups.
Results this year can be entered in 2 ways. Firstly the same as last year where 1 representative from each club has a login to the club admin and lodges the results for all games, or secondly, a club gives their team managers permissions to lodge the results through their team managers login area. It is purely up to clubs how they wish to manager it, but please bear in mind that all results must be in the MCM system by 5pm on Sunday of the weekend of that fixture round. Of course, for the first few weeks, there may be some teething problems, so please let the match card officer or myself know of any issues that you may encounter, preferably by email.
If you don’t want your team managers entering the results and have a results officer, you can disable the function for managers to do this within your club admin setup (right hand side under “Team Options”, ‘Disallow Team Managers to Enter Results’.
We still need a person from your club to be responsible for all the results from your club, so please make sure that their email address is lodged in the MCM system as “Results Officer” under the “Co-Ordinators” tab, but this is all explained in the attachment. The reason for this is that if for some reason the 2 results lodged by both the home and away team do not match, then you as results officer will be sent an email advising of this and to check the result with that particular team and perhaps re-enter the score if an error has been made.
I have attached a PDF document that outlines what you need to do so please go through it and read the section on ‘Entering Match Results.
When you are in the Players section, the last drop down box can be selected to be All Missing Results that way it will show the Missed games so far.
However, once more rounds are in the system, you will then need to select the appropriate Date from the Select Date drop down box, but still have the All Missing Results selected (as in the screen shot below).
Also, please do not use the link that I have in the instructions on how to use the system, as this was a sample dummy link. The “Wombat” and “Tom” are simply dummy names for the purposes of showing you where they go in the overall scheme of things – do not try to use them. You should already be aware of the actual link for your particular club.
Feel free to ring or email me and I can talk you through any issues.
Team Contacts
Each team must have a team contact recorded on the on-line registration for that individual team. There is occasionally a situation when mid-morning on a Saturday a field cannot be used and the teams due to play there need to be contacted. Therefore, the phone number listed for each team, preferably needs to be the number that can be accessed an hour before a game is due to start.
Please go into your club’s on line registration and fill in the coach and manager information for each of your teams urgently, as I am sure most clubs by now would have coaches and managers for their teams.
Wet Weather
I thought it best that I send out the information regarding wet weather, so everyone is on the same page.
If prior notice can be given of unplayable fields that is great, but if you suddenly turn up to mark the field on a Saturday morning and find it under water or some wonderful member of the public has trashed it then you have to let the QCSA Fixture Officer know immediately. The By Laws state that 6:30 am on the day of the game is the latest a field can be withdrawn from competition by the club. Obviously, common sense kicks in, if you have a look at the field at 3:00 pm on Friday before the >30s/40s games and it’s no good then we can make alternate arrangements. Same with on a Saturday, if you get there at 8am and it is deemed not playable by your club, please let the Fixture Officer know straight away.
It is our intention that all games are played on the day, even if they have to be moved to other fields. If you have had adverse weather conditions make sure you go and check your field and let the QCSA Fixture Officer know nice and early. Don’t contact your teams until you’ve spoken to the QCSA Fixture Officer as alternate arrangements will be attempted.
If a field is not withdrawn at the start of the day by the club, it is at the attending Referees discretion when they turn up to the field, if they deem the field not fit for play. The club then needs to contact the Fixture Officer and advise of this fact and whether that will be the decision for the rest of the day if you have further matches on your field for the day. Sometimes it is based on a match by match decision, depending on whether the wet weather is easing or getting worse.
On these types of days, in particular, NO ONE, except club secretary or registrar (or other type club representative) is to contact the QCSA Fixture Officer regarding games. Even if the answer is known, it won’t be given and any random emails will be ignored. If time permits, the QCSA Fixture Officer will contact the club if there is any issue with their games, if it’s close, the QCSA Fixture Officer will go to the team directly and let them know what is happening. Please let your team officials know: IF YOU DON’T HEAR FROM THE QCSA FIXTURE OFFICER – DON’T RING, CHECK THE QCSA WEBSITE – GO TO YOUR GAME!
The preferred method to contact the Fixture Officer is by email prior to 7:30am if you have access, otherwise, please text the Fixture Officer on her mobile. Ringing only ties up the Fixture Officer’s phone and typically when that phone call is finished, there are 5-6 missed calls that the Fixture Officer then needs to ring back. So, please email and/or text, or both to be safe.
You may not receive an answer to your email/text, but please check the QCSA regularly as typically within 20-30 seconds of receiving the notification of a withdrawn field, it will be listed on the QCSA website front page. If you do not see your field appear after 5-10 minutes, please re-text/email the Fixture Officer, as it may well have been missed. (Ring if you feel it is an urgent nature as you may have games starting imminently)
If the wet weather is more isolated to one side of Brisbane, when the Fixture Officer receives advisement of a field being withdrawn and there is a game on that field within the next 1-2hours, the coach/manager of firstly the away team will be notified by phone. If there is time, the home team coach/manager will then be notified. We like to think that if a club withdraws their field, that they notify their own team contacts to let them know, or have an in-house ruling in place for wet weather. This is why it is really important that the coach and manager contact details are in the online rego system (and the MyClubMate system when it is up and running).
If fields get withdrawn the evening before matches, only the website will be updated and no coaches/managers will be notified. Time permitted, the Fixture Officer will notify the away club by phone. Matches on the fixtures page will also be amended to be “postponed” or “wet weather”.
It is really important that you make your members aware to check the QCSA website constantly in the event of wet weather. As mentioned above, it is updated every half a minute on a busy rainy day.
If you have any questions, or need clarification on anything, feel free to contact myself.
QCSA Forfeits and Rescheduling of Matches
Please remember that this information must be relayed to me by an official of your club, not a coach or manager of a team.
If a team needs to reschedule due to unavailability of players etc., there is a process and time line that must be followed to allow this to happen.
1. You must first advise the QCSA Fixture Officer by email to let the QCSA Fixture Officer know that you have a problem with one of your games;
2. After that you need to contact the opposition team or club and ask them to agree to a new date, time and venue. Please also cc the Fixture Officer in on this correspondence.
3. The QCSA Fixture Officer then needs to get confirmation by email from BOTH teams/clubs that they have agreed to the new changes. I should not have to read through email trail from one club, to try and work out what is happening and who has agreed or not to any changes.
4. Please clearly state in your emails, the original Round Number, Date, Time, Venue, Age Group, Home and Away team names, E.g., Rd 1, 14/4, 3:00pm, Brittain Park, U14/1, Scorpions v Sunnybank Tigers;
5. I then need to know the amended details….E.g., Sunnybank Tigers has agreed to the new time of 7pm on Thursday 19/4 at Brittain Park, as per Scorpions request. A lot of the time I have to go searching through the email trail sent in the one email to find this information;
6. If you do not receive an official email from myself (Fixture Officer) confirming the rescheduled game, it is not official. If a fair amount of time has elapsed since you have confirmed with me, and you haven’t received an official email from me, please send me an email to follow up. Emails do go into cyberspace, so please do not assume that your email has reached me….I will officially confirm the rescheduled matches with both clubs and referees always.
All this must be completed by 7:30 pm Monday in the week of the game.
It is possible to agree that you are agreeing to reschedule the match by that time and then work out the alternate arrangements later, if the match is not going to take place that Friday night/Saturday.
Generally, you will be given the chance to come to suitable agreeance between both teams within 1-2 weeks. If this doesn’t happen, then the Fixture Officer will set the new time and place for the game to be rescheduled and that is when it will be…no ifs or buts.
Any team needing to forfeit must let their club know, who in turn, must let the QCSA Fixture Officer know by 7:30 pm Wednesday, on the week of the game.
An email is the way to go as it must be in writing before QCSA Fixture Officer will start the process. If you don’t get a response from the email, you can follow it up with a phone call if you like, as the email may have gone missing.
If you forfeit after this time, you will be fined and will have to pay the match fees (e.g., light hire, referee and assistants) for both your team and the opposition.
When a team forfeits, the other team will be awarded the three win points. As well the average goals “against” by the forfeiting team will be applied to both teams. The formula for calculating the average goals against is to divide total goals scored against them in the current completed rotation of fixtures (i.e., play all opposition once), by the number of games played. This amount will be added to the forfeiting teams “against” and the other teams “for” at the completion of each rotation. A minimum of 3 goals will be applied to both teams.
As well there is further minus point penalties in the last 5 rounds of fixtures. (-1 or -3 depending on whether appropriate notification is received or not.
An important reminder that if you have to forfeit a game on the weekend any later than the Friday morning prior, YOU MUST RING ME (the Fixture officer) as well as email. I work, (sleep sometimes) and run around to fields, etc., and do not always have my electronic devices with me to get emails. As well as needing to notify the opposition that a forfeit has been called, I have to notify the referee co-ordinator, so the referees involved can be advised and as a result, they don’t go to a field for no reason. If refs do not get notified and go to the fields, the club that forfeited and hasn’t contacted me appropriately, will get the bill for both teams.
I can’t stress this enough, unless you get an email confirmation from me about changes/forfeits, or a phone call directly if it is a late notification, it is NOT OFFICIAL and I do not know about it.
Can we please ensure we use our common sense in these instances and ensure that all the correct procedures are followed, to alleviate the instances players or officials turning up to games that have either been rescheduled or forfeited, that way, everyone stays happy.
Any questions, please feel free to contact myself or the relevant QCSA officer.
Good luck to all clubs for the 1st round of fixtures, and let’s hope that the weather is kind to us this week.